Music by Precizion
Kurt Henricksen: Guitars & Vocals
Bill Skorko: Bass & Drums

Precizion is South Jersey Band Heavy Metal Band recording and playing out from 1989 through 1994, in such noted original clubs as the Galaxy, Bonnies Roxx and the Cellblock in Bensalem.

Bill has been playing the bass since he was 15, playing out in the clubs within a few years, and writing and recording his music since his early twenties.

Kurt, a self-taught guitar shredder, has been playing since his early teens, recording his own original music even before his twenties.

Meeting through an ad in a musicians magazine, Bill and Kurt formed Precizion, a Heavy Metal band that can best be described as as something between Van Halen and Alice In Chains. With a series of different musicians, professional management and contacts in the business, they set out on the South Jersey original circuit, trying to secure a recording contract.

However, with the rise of Grunge Music, and the slowly disappearing original scene in South Jersey and Philadelphia, Bill & Kurt disbanded Precizion in May of 1994, pursuing different musical avenues, Kurt joining the alternative band Bizarre Love Triangle, Bill joining the alternative cover band Mostly White Meat.

As of 2009, Kurt is the lead singer for Peace With Doubt, winning numerous accolades on New York City rock circuit. Their music can be heard at or visit their Facebook Page. Just type in peacewithdoubt

Bill, as of 2009, is playing with Midlife Crisis, a party band doing covers from Rod Stewart to AC/DC. Check out their pictures, videos and music at or visit their Facebook Page. Just type in Midlife Crisis.

Music & Lyrics by Bill Skorko
Copyrights registered with the US Library Of Congress
Permission given to use Precizion music on

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