1. Who do you think will be the All Star MVP?

Matt McDonald (25) 10%
Frank Garvey (30) 13%
Matt Fleekop (15) 6%
Tom Szabo (126) 53%
Mike Walsh (43) 18%

1. Do you consider being selected for the Flyers Cup important?

Definitely (122) 68%
Not Really (26) 15%
Could care less (13) 7%
No (18) 10%

1. We will ask the question again from last year, does your school announce when your games are being played during the week?

Yes (6) 4%
No (124) 80%
Sometimes (23) 15%
Not a student (2) 1%

1. Does your student body receive annoucements of your team's upcoming games?

Sometimes (22) 100%

1. What team has the best chance of beating heavy favorite Shawnee (2007-08 Season)?

Washington Township (12) 13%
Cherokee (49) 53%
Clearview (10) 11%
Moorestown (22) 24%