The 2008-2009 All-Star Rosters

The SJHSIHL has released the rosters for the upcoming all star game at the Skate Zone in Voorhees on Friday night February 6th. Each team will consist of 6 defenseman, 12 forwards and 3 goalies. The South will be coached by Washington Township head Coach Jim Macchione, based on Township leading the South Division. His two assistants will be Mark Cunard from Williamstown and Doug DeHart Sr. from West Deptford. The South team will be dressed in the dark uniforms and the North home white. The coach of the north will not be decided until the end of the regular season as four teams are bunched at the top separated only by three points.

Here is the roster for the South Division:

  • Defense:
    • Chris Lyons, Tim Sullivan, Brian Plungis, Tom Szabo, Luke DeHart and Ryan Dietrich.
  • Forwards:
    • Erik Heritage, Matt Fleekop, Jon Paolo, Mike Nigro, Justin Sperling, Billy Bascou, Evan Asroff, Mark Lamberto, Mike Schwer, Scott Parker, Greg Steers and James Watkins.
  • Goalies:
    • Mike Stoever (Washington Township), Nick Hoffmann (Clearview) and Aaron Connell (Williamstown).

Here is the roster for the North Division:

  • Defense:
    • Lenny Fox, Alex Evoy, Brian Nixon, Pat Dispirto, Ryan Pottigier and Andy MacBride.
  • Forwards:
    • Frank Garvey, Kyle Kopervas, Mike Walsh, Sean Fleming, Matt McDonald, Ryan Welsey, Joe Pezzato, Nick Mullarkey, Mike Lukis, Cody Myers, Ben Smith and Eric Mc Dowell.
  • Goalies:
    • Craig Rushmore (Moorestown), Justin Popielarski (Shawnee) and Max Holz (Lenape).

As far as which teams had the most selections, Washington Township and Shawnee each had 5 players chosen, followed by Timber Creek, Moorestown and Cherokee with 3 players chosen from each squad. The all star selection committee did an outstanding job in putting these rosters together. And we congratulate all the selections.